- Example: NSF Center for Ultracold Atoms.
- Research indicates: Center for Ultracold Atoms is a MIT-Harvard program funded by NSF.
- D-Space:
Hints and Tips
- Enter all sponsors of MIT authors (look for initials next to sponsorship statement)
- If all authors are MIT authors enter all sponsors
- Enter all sponsors that have numbers associated with them (grant, contract, award)
- Sponsorship can be found:
- Before the Appendix within the PDF
- Within footers
- Within Acknowledgements
How to: Enter SPONSORS
- Enter all Sponsors/number combinations individually
- Enter in this form - Sponsor Name (number)
- If the number is qualified with "grant", "contract" , "award", or other term put that in the parenthesis with the number (do not use no. or number)
- EXAMPLE: National Science Foundation (U.S.) (award 123-678-SFN)
- When the authorized heading is not English, use your judgment to choose one of the 410s as our locally established form of the name. This will better meet the needs of the DSpace user community.
- Example: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu
- use Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
- make a note in the filemaker of your decision and provide the NACO form of the name. The information you provide in the note field will help with future clean-up efforts.