In case we do, we can collect some info here on things to include. (And perhaps anything we know about making it happen.)
- schedule of upcoming Saturday dances
- schedule of other special events
- life updates from people? what (how do we normally do?
- obituaries :-(
- Janice Voss
- Larry Kilgallen
- collect these?)
- reminders that donations to MIT can be directed toward Tech Squares
- stories about any interesting events the club or club members have gone to:
- NE Convention
- National convention
- probably some info on how the club is doing
Specifics for the next newsletter
obituaries :-(
- Janice Voss
- Larry Kilgallen
Stamps and mailing
Things that can be sent interoffice mail should be, to save on postage. We have a number of stamps in the briefcase, use the non-forever stamps first. For large mailings (or even with just one piece of mail if you want), use one of the barcode cards and use a rubberband or paperclip to attach to the mail and MIT will charge our account for the postage – no stamps needed! Just be sure to put it into one of the MIT mailboxes labeled "Domestic Mail To Be Processed".
We can also get a special bulk rate if we have lots of identical
pieces and >150 of them have the same first 3 digits in their zip
code. We are unlikely to meet this criterion.