The MIT.RAFT scope is assigned to the "this scope" from within the IIFE. Likely the module pattern could be put in place to make this assignment by adding a left side assignment to the IIFE declaration.
MIT.RAFT Full Scope
- Main
- tempConfig
- sysPollAgent
- sysPoll
- globalError
- chkScreenRequirements
- preRoute
- postRoute
- initModel
- dialog
- hideFavoritesStar
- updateBreadcrumbs
- inputManagement
- generateGridHeaders
- renderUserInfo
- UIBehaviorsGeneral
- objectSearch
- enableQuickSearch
- dwsearch
- search
- UIBehaviorsDWSearch
- dwcleanRows
- addDWSearchRow
- addFirstWorksetRow
- UIBehaviorsSearch
- cleanRows
- addSearchRow
- createQuerySelect
- createOperatorSelect
- createValueInput
- getCriteria
- getDWCriteria
- executeSearch
- executeDWSearch
- unlock
- UIBehaviorsPerson
- renderPersonDetails
- UIBehaviorsPeople
- renderPeopleGrid
- UIBehaviorsForecasting
- renderForecastingGrid
- lockScenario
- unlockScenario
- renderScenariosList
- renderReports
- renderCostobjectDetails
- renderPersonContextDetails
- renderWorksetContextDetails
- renderCostobjectContextDetails
- UIBehaviorsContext
- parseWRKfromRoute
- parseCOfromRoute
- UIBehaviorsTracking
- renderSummaryGrid
- renderTrackingGrid
- UIBehaviorsSignin
- UIBehaviorsHome
- renderFavorites
- renderMessages
- renderSettings
- renderComments
- UIBehaviorsWorksetScenarios
- renderWorksetScenarios
- UIBehaviorsWorksetCostObject
- renderWorksetAuthGrid
- UIBehaviorsWorksetAuth
- renderCostobjectOverview
- renderPersonOverview
- UIBehaviorsWorksetOverview
- renderWorksetCostObjectGrid
- UIBehaviorsWorksetPeople
- renderWorksetCoPeGrid
- renderWorksetPeopleGrid
- UIBehaviorsWorksets
- renderWorksets
- UIBehaviorsSummary
- renderSummary