- window
- io
- app
- user
- comments
- worksets
- workset
- search
- costobject
- person
- scenario
- model
- comment
- costobject
- scenario
- pickList
- preference
- people
- worksest
- grids
- forecasting
- worksets
- objList
- tracking
- cost_object_status
- search
- dwsearch
- glList
- slickGrids
- authGrid
- forecastingGrid
- summaryGrid
- trackingGrid
- wsPeopleCoGrid
- myWSgrid
- dialogs
- picklists
- router
- io
- private application scope
The APP global is defined outside of the IIFE and is used directly from within the IIFE. The MIT scope is created as a global
The MIT global created from within the Main() function.
The MIT.RAFT scope is assigned to the "this scope" from within the IIFE. Likely the module pattern could be put in place to make this assignment by adding a left side assignment to the IIFE declaration.
Inside the main IIFE
Internal Scope