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HistoryUp until now (July 2012) our integration test cases (mainly used for testing DAO classes) have extended a base class BaseTransactionalIntegrationTest, which in turn extends deprecated Spring classes. This base class provided unit tests with a default Spring context and an automatic rollback capability. Unit tests extending this base class were automatically database-aware, and any updates done in the unit test were automatically rolled back at the end of the test. Spring has deprecated the class that BaseTransactionalIntegrationTest extends, and now recommends a different way of coding integration unit tests (see Spring Javadoc). The following section describes changes we are making to move away from the deprecated classes. |
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The CSF AbstractIntegrationTestBase.java unit test base classThe CSF abstract class is to be used with all integration tests. It replaces the following deprecated classes
that were used in csf-common-legacy. |