• The script user will be used to deploy your application to the Tomcat server. • The gui user will be used to access the Tomcat Manager. Be sure to change the passwords to passwords of your choice. When you are satisified that everything is correct, save your changes.
Install the ojdbc14- Install the ojdbc14- in either the ${CATALINA_HOME}/lib or the ${CATALINA_HOME}/common/lib directory. The ojdbc14- has to go into only one directory. If you do not have the ojdbc14-, you can download the ojdbc14- now and save it to your workstation.
Configure context.xml Open ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/context.xml with a text editor.
change the <context> tag to the following:
Code Block
<Context crossContext="true" useHttpOnly="false">
add the following anywhere beteen the <context> and </context> tags:
If your project's JNDI name is something other than MitsisDS, then you must change MitsisDS in the above to your project's JNDI name. If you don't know what JNDI name to use, your team leader can get it for you. Be sure to change the username and password. When you are satisified that everything is correct, save the changes.
Test the Tomcat installation
Open a cmd window, cd to ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin and start the tomcat server.
When prompted for the username and password, use gui for the user name and enter the password that you choose in Step 1 above. If everything was done correctly, you will have the following page displayed: