- 6/15/2012 TEM. FIB sample is unpolished at present, so visible amorphized regions are present on faces of coupon. Nevertheless, sample is single-crystalline and free of stacking faults and cellular breakdown.
Lowmag offaxis 8.jpg
Very low mag.jpg
Lowmag offaxis 6.jpg
Highmag offaxis 3.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 3.jpg
Highmag offaxis 4.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 4.jpg
Highmag offaxis 5.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 5.jpg
Highmag offaxis 6.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 6.jpg
Highmag offaxis 8.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 8.jpg - 7/26/2012 IV on diode, taken with Keithley 4200 after instrument autocalibration. Good rectifying behavior is observed only for diode sample 2b (n-Si, (100)). Diode sample 3a (p-type, (111)) does not rectify.
20120726 Au IV diode.xlsx
IV measurement between the top Ti/Ni/Ag contacts is performed. Nonlinear IV curve happens for large current/voltage range. For lower IV range, the IV curve between two contacts is linear. However, the voltage between the other contact pair is always nonlinear.
20120725 Au2b IV topcontact.xlsx
Sample 2D
- 6/5/2012 Raman measurements
Sample 2D raman.xlsx