1. Assessment (studies, surveys, usability, etc.) - Nicole, Lisa & Remlee
- User needs studies (digital scholarship study and spaces studies) were synthesized and presented at an all-staff meeting in the fall.
- A group of staff participated in a Gamestorming workshop, using the ideas generated by the studies as well as techniques designed to facilitate innovative idea generation.
- UX took the 50+ ideas from the Gamestorming sessions, deduped and combined them, and developed a set of 8 "idea seeds," (LINK TO THESE) germs of ideas that any library unit might use to take action for improvements or new services while integrating the user experience. These were presented as part of the Library Council Retreat in February.
- Darcy, Stephanie and Nicole worked with the survey planning team to generate questions for the MIT Libraries 2011 survey that pursued questions raised in the user needs studies of the previous spring.
- Usability testing: UIG began "guerilla usability testing," which has served as an efficient new method for testing the usability of web pages in various locations across campus. UIG ran 2 two usability tests this year: new titles for the homepage search tabs and the AMPS Openeya Openeye classroom video capture system. A small heuristic test of CogNet was also completed at the request of MIT Press.
- Tell Us! Stats (Stephanie deals with - with UX backup). stats. (Tell Us! began in May of 2009). FY09-10 -- 28, FY10: 28 requests. FY10-11-: 60 requests, FY11-12-: 50 requests.
- Informal feedback was gathered for 8th floor of Barker after the space had been opened for several months. Improvements were made because of comments. (wifi, artwork, temperature).