h4. General
* [Install Java JDK | Install Java JDK]
* [Install the Oracle OC4J stand alone server | Install the Oracle OC4J standalone server]
* [Install Maven | Install Maven]
h4. Eclipse Indigo
* [Eclipse Indigo Installation and Configuration | Eclipse Indigo Installation and Configuration]
** [Eclipse Indigo - Download and Installation | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse - Download and Installation]
** [Eclipse Indigo - Java JDK installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse Indigo - Java JDK installation and configuration]
** [Eclipse Indigo - Subversion installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse Indigo - Subversion installation and configuration]
** [Eclipse Indigo - OC4J server installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse Indigo - OC4J server installation and configuration]
** [Eclipse Indigo - Maven installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse Indigo - Maven installation and configuration]
** [Eclipse Indigo - m2e Subversive Connector installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse Indigo - m2e Subversive Connector installation and configuration]