- Implemented form to make it easy for staff to request marketing support, and it's being used frequently.
- Continued to maintain the news blog and train bloggers.
- Continued the Libraries’ social media marketing and communications program, including:
- Twitter feed, leading the feed to over 5000 followers
- Facebook page for the Libraries
- Foursquare locations with tips at each library location
- Also explored using Pinterest for marketing
5. Betas - Remlee - Continued to maintain betas page for current, retired, and graduated experimental library services. New betas included:
- MediaMobile at Lewis Music Library
- "Lunch & learn" instructional sessions in the Stata Center Information Intersection
- LibX 2.0 beta
- MIT library locations and tips on Foursquare check-in app
- Lending of Nook reading devices in Hayden
6. Emerging technologies (including e-readers, ipads staff and public loans) - Nicole