CSF Snapshot Version 1.0.7 - Released June 14, 2012- Snapshot version 1.0.7 replaces Snapshot version 1.0.6.
- Bug fix to HibernateStudentRegistrationsSearchDao.java OREG-986: Add last name to sorting when sorting by student name - so sorts on last-name, first-name. Committed to sais-common by Dan Toomey on June 11, 2012. Committed to csf-common-legacy by David Tanner on June 26, 2012.
- Fixed Hibernate mapping and domain object for EnrollableSubjectGroup in order to fix OGS-1000 (moving OGS away from using the cluster list field in EnrollableSubject and instead get that information from the subject group). Added unit test for new comparator class in EnrollableSubjectGroup. Patch submitted by Charles Christiansen on June 25, 2012. Commited to sais-common and csf-common-legacy by David Tanner on June 26, 2012.
- Bug fix to HibernateInstructorDao.java IAAP48: when assigning instructor, set the instructor source to M so that nightly CSB upload does not overwrite assignment. Committed to sais-common by Dan Toomey on June 26, 2012.&ubmitted by Suresh Channamsetti on June 6, 2012.
- A OGS application write-in student registrations enhancement patch. Submitted Patch submitted by Suresh Channamsetti on June 29, 2012. Commited to sais-common and csf-common-legacy by David Tanner on June 29, 2012.
- Fixed the error in HQL in HibernateSubjectVariationDao, HibernateStudentSubjectRegDao and HibernateStudentEnrollProfileDao.
- Added new variable FRESHMANF to the Enumeration in ClassYear.java
- added new junit test cases in TestHibernateStudentEnrollProfileDao and TestHibernateSubjectVariationDao.
CSF Release Version 1.0.6 - Released June 13, 2012- Snapshot version 1.0.6 replaces Snapshot version 1.0.5.
- Merged sais-common version 2.4.139. Committed to CSF on June 7, 2012.
- New module, CalcLoadLevelValue.java. Committed to sais-common by Suresh Channamsetti on May 10, 2012.
- Load level calculation updated to handle null values and a new method to return new values added. Committed to sais-common by Suresh Channamsetti on May 10, 2012.
- ADVSN-212 assignments are clearing the old assignment, but not actually making the assignment. Uncommented line setting the advisorid at the end of assignPrimary. Committed to sais-common by Dan Toomey on May 31, 2012.
- For instructor assignment was using view to get list of terms. Since view is now very complicated this became a real performance issue. So, needed to change determination of list of terms using simpler query against tables in view.
Also when retrieving the subject title was using enrollable. Enrollable is not populated for future terms. Changed to use subject variation for title in normal instructor assign queries. Committed to sais-common by Dan Toomey on May 16, 2012 - IAAP46,47 - instructior assignment and view assignments now show future terms per PRDE term rolling (current and next for JA, SU; current and next 2 for FA, SP). Committed to sais-common by Dan Toomey on May 10, 2012.
- SVN patch submitted by Suresh Channamsetti on June 6, 2012.
- The purpose of this patch – As part of OGS application write-in student registrations enhancement
- added new methods to some of existing services and DAOs,
- updated hibernate mapping and related domain objects with the unspecified database columns,
- added new junit test cases.
- complete implentation of csf-email module
CSF Release Version 1.0.5 - Released June 5, 2012- Snapshot version 1.0.5 replaces Snapshot version 1.0.4.
Wiki Markup |
*When email.production.mode=false, then '(sent to \[Ljava.lang.String;@103ac829') would be appended to the email subject. Corrected this so that if the 'to' array length is 1 then '(sent to user@mit.edu)' would be appended to the subject. If the 'to' array length > 1, then '(sent to a list)' would be appended. - Reported by Joe Greene on June 1, 2012* |
- add csf-email module to the reactor build.
CSF Release Version 1.0.4 - Released June 1, 2012- Snapshot version 1.0.4 replaces Snapshot version 1.0.3.
- for all xml files: removed version numbers from http://www.springframework.org/schema/ declarations. Patch submitted by Eion O'Toole on 5/21/2012.
- Fixed the unexpected error/exception that occurs when ose reporting invokes a search for subject evaluation records with only term code and no department specified. (JIRA - WTWU-7).
CSF Release Version 1.0.3 - Released May 17, 2012- Snapshot version 1.0.3 replaces Snapshot version 1.0.2.
- modify the condition to invoke second sorting criterion of TeachingAssignmentSortOrderComparator so that it now takes into account whether there is a difference in the section description(name). It is modified according to rule ERPT-052 in the Evaluation Report Specification with regard to the sort order of instructors and sections within the list. (JIRA - WTWU-5) - May 14, 2012
- changed the conditional in MitRoleCondition.java to check the authority instance that is being used. Originally, it was assumed that only MitGrantedAuthority's would be returned. The impersonate has added a new authority, SwitchUserGrantedAuthority, which caused an exception to be thrown. (JIRA IAP-AST-37) - May 16, 2012
CSF Release Version 1.0.2 - Released May 11, 2012- Upgraded all CSF modules from Spring Framework version 3.0.3.RELEASE to version 3.1.1.RELEASE.
- Upgraded all CSF modules from Spring Security version 3.0.3.REALEASE to version 3.1.0.RELEASE.
- Upgraded all CSF Modules from Spring framework webflow version 2.1.0.RELEASE to version 2.3.1.RELEASE.
CSF Release Version 1.0.0 and Version 1.0.1- Created new CSF module: csf-base (selected classes extracted from csf-common-legacy)
- Created new CSF module: csf-webservices (extracted from csf-common-legacy)
- Created new CSF module: csf-security (extracted from csf-common-legacy and includes acegi and spring-security)
- Created new CSF module: csf-common-legacy (merge of sais-common trunk and sais-common-1.2)
- Created new CSF module: csf-common-wtw-legacy (import of sais-common-1.0-wtw)
- Created new CSF module: csf-workflow (import of sais-common-workflow)