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If you need help setting up Eclipse, SVN, OC4J, Maven, ES Projects etc., then you're found the right place.
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Quick Links to:
* [About this TAB | #About this TAB]
* [Workstation configuration | #Workstation configuration]
* [Education Systems Maven projects | #Education Systems Maven projects]
* [Available for downloading | #Available for downloading]
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h3. About this TAB
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| About this TAB | About this TAB | About this TAB
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The topics presented in this TAB are primarily designed for the software developer who:
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1. is a new hire and needs to configure his/her workstation, or
2. has a new workstation and needs to get it configured, or
3. has a need for a Maven WAR or JAR artifact which is not related to an on going ES project (e.g. A Proof of Concept project).
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| Workstation configuration |
| Workstation configuration |
Workstation configuration
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h4. General
* [Install Java JDK | Install Java JDK]
* [Install the Oracle OC4J stand alone server | Install the Oracle OC4J standalone server]
* [Install Maven | Install Maven]
h4. Eclipse
* [Eclipse Installation and Configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration]
** [Eclipse - Download and Installation | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse - Download and Installation]
** [Eclipse - Java JDK installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse - Java JDK installation and configuration]
** [Eclipse - Subversion installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse - Subversion installation and configuration]
** [Eclipse - OC4J server installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse - OC4J server installation and configuration]
** [Eclipse - Maven installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse - Maven installation and configuration]
** [Eclipse - m2e Subversive Connector installation and configuration | Eclipse Installation and Configuration#Eclipse - m2e Subversive Connector installation and configuration]
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| Education Systems Maven projects |
| Education Systems Maven projects |
Education Systems Maven projects
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An Education Systems (ES) project will typically consist of 2 Maven artifacts. These Maven artifacts are:
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1. Only one Maven WAR artifact which contains all the WEB facing (i.e. jsp's, controllers, css, js, ...) components of the ES project.
2. At least one Maven JAR artifact which contains all the support (i.e. services, daos, hibernate mapping, ...) components of the ES project.
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The following are the instructions on how the create and configure an ES Maven WAR or Maven JAR project.
* [Selecting names for your project | CSF:Selecting names for your project]
* [How to create an ES Maven WAR project using the WAR template | Using the WAR template#Software Development]
* [How to customize the ES Maven WAR project pom.xml | Using the WAR template#Customizing the project WAR pom.xml]
* [How to create an ES Maven JAR project using the JAR template | Using the JAR template#Software Development]
* [How to customize the ES Maven JAR project pom.xml | Using the JAR template#Customizing the project JAR pom.xml]
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| Available for downloading |
| Available for downloading |
Available for downloading