Panel |
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| CSF Email properties |
| CSF Email properties |
CSF Email properties- email.address.from:
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*Description*: A string containing an email address *from whom* the email is being sent. The string may contain more than just an email address.
*Usage*: Optional
*Example*: email.address.from=registration@mit.edu ("MIT Office of the Registrar")
*Dependencies*: If specified, this value will always be used for in the *from* field of the email.
- email.address.test.to:
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*Description*: A string containing an email address *to whom* the email is being sent.
*Usage*: Optional. Recommend to be used on WORKSTATION, DEV, TEST and QA servers and *not* used on PRODUCTION servers.
*Example*: email.address.test.to=rjrenolds@mit.edu
*Dependencies*: Used in conjunction with the email.production.mode property.
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When email.production.mode=false:
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email will be sent to the email address specified with this property.
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When email.production.mode=true:
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email will be sent to the email address specified by the calling application.
- emai.address.bcc:
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*Description*: A string of CSV email address(es) to be used in the email's bcc.
*Usage*: Optional
*Example*: email.address.test.to=rjrenolds@mit.edu
*Dependencies*: Used in conjunction with the email.production.mode property.
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When email.production.mode=false:
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bcc addresses will *not* be added to the emails.
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When email.production.mode=true:
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bcc addresses will be added to the emails.
- email.production.mode:
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*Description*: Used to indicate whether or not the applicaition is deploy on a production server.
*Usage*: Required
*Example:*: Only the boolean values *true* or *false* are allowed.
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When email.production.mode=false:
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the application is deployed to DEV, TEST or QA server and is *not* deployed to a PRODUCTION server.
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When email.production.mode=true:
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the application is deployed to a PRODUCTION server.
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*Dependencies*: None.
Panel |
Anchor |
| Roles authorization properties |
| Roles authorization properties |
Roles authorization properties |
Image Added
Image Added
local.user.name = xxxxxxxx
local.user.password = yyyyyyyy