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Picking a projectName and a projectArtifactId
Picking a projectName and a projectArtifactId

Picking a projectName and a projectArtifactId

The first thing that must be done is to pick a projectName and a projectArtifactId.  These will be used throughout the life time of your project.

The projectName is a short acronym that is used to uniquely identify your project.
The projectArtifactId is the application context under which your project war file will be deployed to the OC4J server.

Once the projectName and projectArtifactId have been selected, they should not be changed.

Here are a few examples of what other project have used in the past:



project description



student sponsored billing



online grade submission



online registration



individual activities period

Setup of the project war component using the war-template

Run Eclipse.  Go to File > New > Other....
Scroll down to Maven and expand then select Checkout Maven Projects from SCM as shown in the following panel.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Next.
From the SCM URL: dropdown, select snv.
Uncheck Checkout All Projects.
The URL for the war-template is :
Wiki Markup

{anchor:Setup of the project war component using the war-template}
h3. Setup of the project war component using the war-template
* {color:red}This setup assumes that you have completed the [Workstation configuration | Getting Started#Workstation configuration] as found on the [CSF Home - Getting Started | Getting Started] tab.
If you have not completed the [Workstation configuration | Getting Started#Workstation configuration], please do so [*now* | Getting Started#Workstation configuration].{color}
# Run Eclipse.  Go to *File > New > Other...*.
Scroll down to *Maven* and expand then select *Checkout Maven Projects from SCM* as shown in the following panel.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click *Next*.
# From the *SCM URL:* dropdown, select *snv*.
Uncheck *Checkout All Projects*.
The URL for the war-template is :
Setup of the project war component using the war-templateSetup of the project war component using the war-template

Code Block

Copy and pasted the above URL into the *SCM URL:* input field.

When done the panel should be identical to the following:


When satisfied that everything is correct, click *Next
If you want the change the Workspace location, uncheck the Use default Workspace location and enter the path to the desired workspace.
# If you want the change the *Workspace location*, uncheck the *Use default Workspace location* and enter the path to the desired workspace.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click *Finish
Verify the Maven Project that is being imported. The Import Maven Projects panel should be identical to the following panel.
# Verify the Maven Project that is being imported.  The *Import Maven Projects* panel should be identical to the following panel.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click *Finish
When the project is opened, your Eclipse - Project Explorer Perspective should look at follows:
# When the project is opened, your *Eclipse - Project Explorer Perspective* should look at follows:
Right click on the project and select *Team >
When following Confirm Disconnect from SVN is displayed, select Also delete the SVN meta-information from the file system..
# When following *Confirm Disconnect from SVN* is displayed, select *Also delete the SVN meta-information from the file system*..
When satisfied that everything is correct, click *Yes
Eclipse - Project Explorer Perspective should look at follows:
# *Eclipse - Project Explorer Perspective* should look at follows:
Right click on the project and select *Refactor > Rename...*.

Replace *projectArtifactId* with the projectArtifactId that you have previously selected.

 &nbspYou might want to append a -war to denote that this is the war component of your project.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Yes.
check out the
  You might want to append a *-war* to denote that this is the war component of your project.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click *Yes*.

check out the es-project-template/war-template


rename project
