Sample 3a
6/7/2012 SEM/EBSD showing surface evidence of stacking faults, no obvious breakdown.
Au 4a Reflection.Sample.Raw.csv Spot 3a 90kx.tif
Spot 3a 150kx.tif
Spot 3a 260kx.tif
Spot 3a tilted low mag.tif
Spot 3a tilted FIB crater.tif
6/8/2012 FIB-processed for TEM and imaged on JEOL 2100. Stacking faults throughout active layer observed.
Au 4a Transmission.Sample.Raw.csv Lowmag Focus low.jpg
Active layer showing stacking faults and possible precip.jpg
Active layer faults and planes6.jpg
Active layer faults and planes4.jpg
Active layer faults and planes3.jpg