- Run Eclipse. Select the Servers tab as shown below:
Click new server wizard.indent 2 2 !eclipseOc4jServer002.jpg!
Note: If you have previously installed servers, right click anywhere in the severs tab and select New > Server. - In the selection box, scroll down and expand to the Oracle entry. Select Oracle OC4J Standalone Server 10.1.3.n as shown below.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Next.indent 2 2 !eclipseOc4jServer004.jpg!
- From the JRE: dropdown list, select the JRE that is to be used. It should be 6 or greater.
Change the Oracle J2EE Home to where you have installed to Oracle Standalone server.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Next.indent 2 2 !eclipseOc4jServer006.jpg!
- Change the Password: from welcome to the password the you choose for the oc4jadmin when you installed the OC4J standalone server.
When satisfied that everything is correct, click Finish.indent 2 2 !eclipseOc4jServer008.jpg!
OC4J standalone server for Eclipse is now complete.
Anchor Eclipse - Maven installation Eclipse - Maven installation Eclipse - Maven installation