- Clicking "Run in Click to Speak Player" under the "Tools" menu in the editor does not work when the program is initially installed. In order to fix this, go to the folder where the player and editor are installed (for instance, C:\Program Files\Click To Speak, or the equivalent on your operating system of choice). This folder contains two folders: TextEditor3, which holds the files for the editor, and ClickToSpeak, which contains the files for the player. In the ClickToSpeak directory (C:\Program Files\Click To Speak\ClickToSpeak), there will be a file named ClickToSpeak.swf . Copy this file (e.g. right click > Copy), go to the TextEditor3 folder (C:\Program Files\Click To Speak\TextEditor3), and paste it there (right click > Paste). Now you will be able to test games you are working on in the player! (Unfortunately, this workaround is necessary due to Air's security restrictions on accessing files outside of an Air application's directory.)See Installing Click To Speak#Optional for instructions on fixing this.