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We are currently testing algorithms for cooperative collision   avoidance at traffic mergings, roundabouts, and intersections. We   consider both completely autonomous systems and partially autonomous   ones. In partially autonomous systems, some of the vehicles are   human-driven and do not communicate with the autonomous vehicles. We   model the behavior  of human driven vehicles as a hybrid automaton so   that it can be formally taken into account by the automatic controllers.   Challenges that we tackle include: incorporation of human driving   models,   hybrid continuous/discrete dynamics, state   (continuous/discrete)  uncertainty, and complexity arising from large   state spaces. Besides our in-lab implementation, we work with engineers   at the Toyota Technical Center, Ann Arbor to implement our algorithms   on their full-scale experimental facility. !lab.jpg|border=1,width=848,height=615,align=center!

{color:#000000}{*}Our Vehicles{*}{color}
Our vehicles (shown in the figures) are equipped with on-board  computer  (running Linux, Fedora core), wireless communication (802.11b),   positioning system (overhead b/w camera vision system), and speed   sensors (encoders). A motion controller emulates the scaled longitudinal   dynamics of a full-scale vehicle including engine and transmission.  The  on-board computer can apply steering, throttle, and braking inputs.  The  dynamic response of the vehicles to these inputs is the same as  the one  of a full scale vehicle with automatic transmission. The test  area is  6  by 6 meters. The vehicles are about 30 cm long. For more  details on how  the hardware and the software of the vehicles was  designed, refer to \[[1|]\] (IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, 2008).
| *Multivehicle collision avoidance project* \\
This is a currently active project. \\
Project time management: [^Overview.pdf]\\ | !multivehicle_path_layout.jpg|width=300,align=center!\\ |
| *Human warning/override system project*  \\
This is a currently active project.  \\
Project time management: [Warning.pdf|^Warning.pdf.pdf]\\ | !warning.png|align=center,border=1,width=300!\\
\\ |
| *Extension of *{*}Semi-autonomous Roundabout project* \\
As an extension to the semi-autonomous roundabout project below, an additional vehicle was added to the system.  Again, the outermost vehicle is human driven, and the intermediate vehicle is an autonomous vehicle running the algorithm developed by Rajeev Verma.  The innermost car is also autonomous, but treats the intermediate car as an enemy. | {widget:url=[|]}\\ |
| {color:#000000}{*}Semi-autonomous Roundabout project{*}{color}\\
The objective of this project is to design a roundabout system that   is  collision-free, alive, and adapting to the presence of human drivers.    This project starts Summer 2009\! \\
_References: Papers and Matlab Code_ \\
Collision Avoidance Algorithm with a Human-driven Vehicle \[[12|]\] \\
Collision Avoidance with a Human-driven Vehicle Matlab Code by Rajeev Verma \[[13|]\] \\
Kick-off meeting presentation (May 15 2009) \[[14|]\] \\  {color:#32cd32}{*}Semi-autonomous System Movie-December 2010{*}{color} By Rajeev Verma. \\
In the movie, the human-driven vehicle runs on the outer loop and  it   is remotely controlled by a human subject from the remote human    control station (showed on the right). The autonomous vehicle runs on    the intermediate loop. Its task is to (1) predict the intent of the    human driven vehicle and (2) on the basis of this belief, apply the    least conservative control action to prevent a collision. This problem    was formulated as a control problem with imperfect mode information for    hybrid automata. To see how we solved this problem, check this paper  by   Rajeev Verma \[[15|]\] (CDC 2009) \\
\\ | \\  {widget:url=} !vehiclelabel.png|width=472,height=353,align=center! |
| {color:#32cd32}{*}Three-Vehicle Movie-September 2009{*}{color} [Demo|] or alternate link on youtube \[[9|]\] By Jeffrey Michael Duperret \\
In the movie, Vehicle 3 and Vehicle 1 employ the collision  avoidance    algorithm relying to the capture sets as shown above to  prevent the    collision at C1. Vehicle 2 and Vehicle 3 apply the same  algorithm to    prevent the collision at C2. When Vehicle 3 and Vehicle 1  or Vehicle 2    and Vehicle 3 are on the common traits, they implement a  rear-end    collision avoidance routine. The system is safe and live by  design. For    more information on the algorithms,  see the publications \[[10|]\] (ACC 2009) and \[[11|]\] (CDC 2009). | {widget:url=} |
| {color:#000000}{*}Autonomous Roundabout project{*}{color}\\
This Project started during summer 2008. It was lead by a group of undergraduate students.  \\
Project Introduction, Algorithms, and Tasks \[[2|]\] \\
Project Time Management (May-Mid June) \[[3|]\] \\
Vehicle Software Architecture \[[4|]\] \\
Undergrad Students: Vishnu Desaraju, Mark Yang, Hyun Chul Rho, Stephanie Roth, Edwin Tay, Jeffrey Duperret \\
_References: Papers and code for CA and vehicle dynamics_ \\
Collision Avoidance Algorithm (CA) \[[5|]\] \\
Collision Avoidance Matlab Code by Rajeev Verma \[[6|]\] \\
Vehicle Dynamics \[[7|]\] | !scaledvehcile.jpg|width=542,height=320,align=center! |
| *Final Project Report--September 2008* \[[8|]\] (This appeared as a paper in the 2009 ICRA conference) \\
*Final Movie-September 2008* Final Demo Movie By Vishnu Desaraju. In   the movie, we show the experimentally obtained trajectory of  the    vehicles compared against the capture sets, which we implemented  using    our partial order-based algorithms. These algorithms have linear     complexity in the size of the system state space as they exploit the     rich partial order structure that characterizes traffic systems. | {widget:url=}\\ |

*Full Vehicle Experiments* (2010 - 2011) - Mike Hafner, Drew Cunningham, Lorenzo Caminiti, and Domitilla Del Vecchio.

This work involved implementing our collision avoidance algorithms, as described in this [SIAM article|], on-board full size Lexus IS250 test vehicles. Testing was carried out on-site at the [Toyota Technical Center|], Ann Arbor MI. Some results of this work were presented at the [ITS World Congress in Orlando, 2011|]. The slides and video presented at this conference are provided below.

Video: [Intersection collision avoidance application in action|^FullVehicleIcaTesting.ogv]

