The user was a 42 year old white male geek who occasionally travels for work and uses an ipad regularly. I
I instructed the user to pick Flourence as we had not implemented the ability to change cities in the splash page.
Usability Problems:
- The user began by clicking on a particular place on the map to try to pick an event. Finding that that did not work, he he looked around the map to pick places and then typed their names into the text field. He said he wanted a search feature for the map where you can find restaurants.
- (major) This indicates not so much a flaw as a lack of a feature.
- An improvement would greatly increase the efficiency of the application.
- At the
- time of the evaluation, changing the start and end time caused the schedule to disappear.
- (catastrophic) It rendered the application unusable until the user pressed undo. This was fixed by demo time.
- He was frustrated by the fact that when he typed the name of a location, it did not search for the location and place the pin at that place.
- (major) This is easy to overcome but decreases efficiency
- He automatically plans for walking time when the number of events in the schedule is small. However, when it is large, he left an unrealistically short amount of time between activities.
- (minor) This can be overcome as the user will learn not to do it, but it will make him late to things the first few days.
It would be good if you could click on the map to pick a place. if they type a full name, search for the location with google maps he thought of the idea that he could drag the thing to where he wants to go. that worked well, but placing it there, it did not stay.
- There is no way to save the schedule. Thus, the user has to leave the application open the whole time
- .
- (catasrophic) Realistically, the user is going to be closing and opening this application.
- Clicking on the pin of a scheduled event, the nature of the info displayed is non-obvious and less than useful.
- (minor) This
- doesn't impede usability except by confusing the user why it is there momentarily.
- It took him a while to discover that you can lock something. The lock icon should be within something that looks like a button.
- (minor) This is discoverable, just after a while.
- It is hard to lock things because clicking the lock is hard. It should be bigger.
- (major) This is a major flaw in that
- it causes the user frustration in using the feature.
- Redo does not completely redo operations, as it ignores locking.
- (minor) The user can still manually redo all operations.
- Selecting an event should pan such that the event is visible on the map.
- (minor) This just requires the user to spend more time panning around and remembering.
Usability Successes:
He finds the dragging of events from the todo list to the schedule very intuitive, as well as resizing events and moving them around to change event times. He also finds it intuitive to be able to drag the map pin to the location of the event in order to place it.
He did not use autoschedule That it does not do this makes it less learnable for the user to change the location. This is a major flaw.At the time of the evaluation, changing the start and end time caused the schedule to disappear. This was a catastrophic flaw, how ever was fixed by the time of the demo.
He expressed a desire for a button that just says "pick stuff for me to do" that picks the top-10 reccomended activities in the city. He did not use autoscheduleI am skeptical.
User 2
User 2 was a grad student from the media lab. We chose this user because the user has never been to Florence but has some experience planning trips.