"Our project was so shiny we used it as a mirror." - David Benjamin
"Despite the limitations of paper prototyping in representing our application, we learned that the spiral model of development was quite valuable, as our project saw a pretty large overhaul between user testings during that iteration of design. We learned that what users expect can often be pretty unintuitive; for example, there are a lot of expectations about where buttons are and how they will work that users probably couldn't tell you they expect to see, but that their behavior in repeatedly using the wrong button shows (e.g. using play as record and thinking it's broken). Personally, I learned some Java and Git from Alan; I hope I didn't frustrate him too much. If we had to do it again, we should probably have gotten GR4 in on time so that our testers didn't get reassigned. That was kind of unfortunate." - Di Liu
"We prototyped the easy things and not the hard things." - Alan Huang