Should the user need to check more information about a specific cause, he or she can simply click on the cause and look at its description.
Figure 6. Cause Information Page. This page presents the user information about a specific cause. From this page, the user can go an either share or donate to this specific cause.
Figure 7. Share a Cause Page. When the user wants to share a cause, he or she can either share information of the cause via email or Facebook.
Figure 8. Donation Page. This page is presented to the user when the user wished to donate and clicks on the donate button. If the user has not saved billing information, he or she will be asked during checkout.
2. Implementation
For implementing the phone app Donate2Us, we take advantage of the built library jQuery Mobile, which makes the process much more convenient and natural. However, due to a glitch with our use of jQuery Mobile, some pages of the application need to be refreshed before all the features function fully, which might cause inconsistency for the users. On the front end, each page of the app is represented by one HTML file, and only one CSS file is used to control the layout of all the pages. On the backend, one javaScript file manages the behavior of the application in response to the users. We decided to use jStorage instead of mySQL to store the information regarding account information, causes database, etc., as the full implementation of mySQL in the backend is beyond the scope of this class. Due to that decision, the app is currently limited to storing data on only one device and can’t connect across all devices yet. Billing transactions and integration with Facebook are also introduced features but not fully implemented for the same reason.