Screen 7) During paper prototyping, many users expressed the wish to add multiple expenses at one time, so we added this feature to our final design. After saving all expenses, users are returned to the budget summary page. Although one heuristic evaluator thought that it would be better to reset the expense form to one blank expense, we decided that users might become confused, think that we simply reset their form without saving their expenses, and try reentering all of their expenses. By redirecting the user and showing a toast message (pop up text) indicating they have saved their expenses, they will be able to see that their expenses have been saved.
Screen 13) Since the screens for viewing your budget and for viewing someone else’s budget look more or less identicalvery similar (especially since our implementation of viewing someone else’s budget was shallow and the data shown remained the same), we added a brief popup/alerts (toast messages) informing the user to whose budget is currently being viewed. This message fades away after a few seconds, but when viewing someone else’s budget, their name also shows up in a header at the top of the screen, and persists until the user returns home.