User | Usability Problems/Points of Confusion | Possible Design Changes |
User 1 | - Create a Tournament
- Problem locating "Create Tournament" button at the bottom of the page. Thought it should/would be at the top of the page next to the Tournaments label. (Monitor was fairly large resulting in little content at the bottom of the page, so eyes were not drawn to tournament button).
- When inviting members, user expected that pressing "Enter" on the keyboard would result in adding another member. However, the names had to be comma delimited
- Join a Tournament
- Update a Tournament
- Thought that check boxes on the side panel had to be marked to update the players' score, resulting in slight confusion when there was no visible change. Quickly recovered as soon as he hovered over the round-robin matches matrix. No problems with the score input.
- Manage a Tournament (make admin/boot player)
- View a Tournament
| - Create a Tournament
- Re-locate "Create Tournament" button closer to the top of the page.
- Provide clearer instructions for inviting multiple users, such as
- indicating with instructions that names should be comma delimited
- having the site automatically split user input with line breaks
- require manually adding a new input field for each invited member
- Join a Tournament
- Update a Tournament
- Although there was some initial confusion, everything seemed to make sense after a minute, implying that it would be easy to use/remember for the next time.
- Manage a Tournament
- View a Tournament
User 2 | - Create a Tournament
- Join a Tournament
- Update a Tournament
- Manage a Tournament (make admin/boot player)
- View a Tournament
- Other
- Was not immediately clear that the tournaments displayed on home page were users' own tournaments. (Missed reading the "Your tournaments" label due to relatively small text size).
| - Create a Tournament
- Re-locate "Create Tournament" button closer to the top of the page.
- indicate with instructions that names must be comma delimited
- Join a Tournament
- Update a Tournament
- Although there was some confusion,
- Overall - after a few minutes everything seemed to make sense. Implied that after learning how to do it once with a little trial and error, it would be very easy the second time around.
- Manage a Tournament
- View a Tournament
- Other
- re-format "Your tournaments" label to make more visible.
User 3 | - Create a Tournament
- Confusion when inviting participants to the tournament. Thought that both the username and email boxes had to be filled out.
- Also felt that the Invite Member and Create buttons should be larger/more noticeable.
- Join a Tournament
- Update a Tournament
- Initial confusion regarding ability to indicate a winner with a lower score, but realized after a few seconds that it made sense (eg. golf scores).
- Manage a Tournament (make admin/boot player)
- Expected some kind of feedback on the spreadsheet itself, not just the sidebar
- View a Tournament
- Other
- Overall just wanted more feedback for the actions performed.
| - Create a Tournament
- Re-locate "Create Tournament" button closer to the top of the page.
- indicate with instructions that names must be comma delimited
- Join a Tournament
- Update a Tournament
- Although there was some confusion,
- Overall - after a few minutes everything seemed to make sense. Implied that after learning how to do it once with a little trial and error, it would be very easy the second time around.
- Manage a Tournament
- View a Tournament
- * Don't have affordances that do nothing.
- What do all the icons in the header bar do? i.e. Is the logout button going to turn off my computer?
User 4 | - Create a Tournament
- Also commented on the ambiguity of usernames/emails.
- Thought the space on the side of the screen was largely wasted (no need for a full page for people's names, etc)
- Search for/Join a Tournament
- No problems
- Felt that tournament panels on the home screen should have had more information
- Update a Tournament
- Thought that check boxes on the side panel had to be marked to update the players' score, resulting in slight confusion when there was no visible change. Quickly recovered as soon as he hovered over the round-robin matches matrix. No problems with the score input.
- Update tournament - Thought something would happen when he clicked player's names in the grid, but soon figured out how to update scores. Thought that Larry's row should stand out from others since that's the name of the user.
Making admins/booting players - Same as User 1, wanted more feedback on the grid -
- Also commented on the ambiguity of usernames/emails. But thought the space on the side of the screen was largely wasted (he didn't think we needed a full page for people's names, etc)
- Join tournament - no issues, but thought the tournament panels on the home screen should have had more information
- Update tournament - Thought something would happen when he clicked player's names in the grid, but soon figured out how to update scores. Thought that Larry's row should stand out from others since that's the name of the user.
- Making admins/booting players - Same as User 1, wanted more feedback on the grid
- Manage a Tournament (make admin/boot player)
- View a Tournament
| - Create a Tournament
- Re-locate "Create Tournament" button closer to the top of the page.
- indicate with instructions that names must be comma delimited
- Search for/Join a Tournament
- Update a Tournament
- Although there was some confusion,
- Overall - after a few minutes everything seemed to make sense. Implied that after learning how to do it once with a little trial and error, it would be very easy the second time around.
- Manage a Tournament
- View a Tournament
- * Don't have affordances that do nothing.
- What do all the icons in the header bar do? i.e. Is the logout button going to turn off my computer?