TODO: Design in gory detail with screenshots
Overall, we decided to focus on presentation of the timeline. The view and edit functions are functional, but we have not innovated in that area.
Decided We decided to disable selection of the map markers - it's awkward with a touch screen when there are It is a little practical because the touch screen has so many markers, and the arrow partially obscures them partially.
We made the following design changes in response to user feedback:
Map/Journal view mode:
- make map interactive.
- changed the positioning of the map icons so that they mark the point in the middle, not below.
- Map is now interactive
- Map icons are now positioned at the center of locations, not right above them
- There is now a direct mapping between entries in the list and entries on the map, using colors
Entry view modeView Mode:- Display
- View now displays a location hint (
- "near <city>")
- User can make swipe gestures to navigate between consecutive entries
Entry Edit view modeMode:-
- When exiting the edit mode with unsaved changes,
- user
- is asked to save or discard the
- entry. Entries are no longer automatically saved.
TODO: talk about what is missing from a complete app.