- Similar Events View: Posters are grouped by tags event organizers assign to them (e.g. talk, social etc). Posters with multiple tags are placed in multiple categories. Clicking on a tag allows users to browse events in that category. This functionality facilitates drilled down searches without the need for an explicit search button which would require typing which we wanted to avoid since our studies showed that typing on a vertical surface is uncomfortable and inefficient.
- Similar View :
- Browse Tag Category:
- Add poster view: We implemented a slide-in panel for adding posters where the user can select a poster file, event date and time, and tags. These selections require no typing which is accomplished through calendar widgets and drop downs. Similarly, for entering email, we prompt the user to swipe their ID at the RFID reader and auto-populate the email field.
- Add View:
- Detailed view: When a poster is clicked on (in the calendar or similar events view), the poster is focused and the user is able to scribble on it, change scribbling color, view previous scribbles, continue a previous scribble, like/dislike a poster, and get a reminder for the event. Again, we utilize an RFID reader to obtain an email for the reminder using an RFID reader, thus removing the need to type on a vertical surface and improving efficiency. Additionally, the person who posted the original poster is also able to delete the poster by swiping a card.
- Detailed View Example 1:
Detailed View Example 2:
Send email reminder functionality:
- Detailed View Example 1:
- RFID reader to allow authentication without keyboard
- RFID reader:
Design Rationale
In the course of our design, we made changes driven by comments in our paper prototype and heuristic evaluation. Our user testing also threw some insight on possible future improvements.