TODO: List the usability problems you found, and discuss how you might solve them.
Overview of Usability Issues Observed & Proposed Solutions
Presented with the Tutorial Screen
| Finding a Friend in your Friend List or on the Map | Adding an Individual into your Friend List | Creating and Inviting Friends to an Event
| Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change In Time | General Comments |
- The tutorial screen was welcomed by all our users. The only issue was with the visibility of the "Next" button.
Solution: Instead of having both an arrow AND a next button, we could make the arrow itself a button and change its text to say "Click here for next tutorial". This will help serve double-duty, acting as both an instruction as well as providing the affordance of a button.
| - The user wanted a way to locate a friend on the map easier.
Solution: Provide the ability to go to a friend's location via the Profile page, i.e. with a button stating "View Current Location".
| - The on screen message confused some users as it said "Friend has been Added", when it actually meant that the request had been sent.
Solution: Reword the on-screen message to say that the friend's request has been sent. - The users automatically knew that the notification received about the friend accepting the request was actionable, but there was a case where the user was then tempted to press "Delete Friend", as it was the button that stood out the most upon reaching the Profile page.
Solution: Help safety by placing the delete functionality into the options menu (Activated by pressing the device's physical menu button) which would only then appear on the screen. We could also highlight the choice a different color like "Red" to bring the user's attention to that as an important choice, (i.e. externally consistent with what the Facebook mobile application does to indicate that a user wants to log out). We can also maintain safety by bringing up a confirmation dialog prior to actually deleting the friend. - Upon successfully adding a new friend, some users expressed an interest to know where the user was on screen. However, the newly added friend merely gets added onto the map without much feedback.
Upon adding a friend, we can actually make the notification actually pan to where the newly added friend is. Also, we can do something like what other applications do and provide a sort of "dropping pin/dropping down" animation which would help bring attention to where the newly added friend is located.
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