1 Design
The most important design principles that guided TravelTech's final design are: user control/freedom, consistency, learnability, and feedback.
1.1 Design Decisions
Paper Prototyping
During paper prototyping, several important design decisions were made.
- Discard TravelGroups
- Include two calendars
- Develop the new map / data representation interface
- Place the calendars and map on the same page
TravelGroups, lists of people going to the same area as the user, were cut from the final design because we realized that users' travel plans were dynamic and frequently subject to change. Instead of TravelGroups, we focused on saving trips and providing easy means for the user to change details about their trips. We also decided to generate a list of emails for users to contact rather than relying on TravelGroups.
Two Calendars
Many users were confused about selecting a start date and an end date on the same calendar. To adapt to user demand, we decided to use two calendars, one labeled "start date" and one labeled "end date" in order to reduce user confusion. The calendar also grays out dates before the start date in the "end date" calendar after a start date is selected. This prevents errors and gives the user basic feedback.
Figure 1. Two calendars are used to represent a start date and an end date to reduce user confusion that arose when using only one calendar.
New Map and Data Representation Interface
Figure 2. The final map interface combined the initial map page where users entered their destinations with the map page that displayed data about other people in the area. This was more consistent with the real world and across the TRavelTech site.
Calendars and Map on the Same Page
We also decided to place the calendar and map on the same page for the sake of simplicity and consistency. The user was also able to have more direct feedback; as he adjusted the dates on the calendar, he would see people pop up or disappear on the map if they fell in or out of his selected date range. This decision gives the user maximum control and information scent.
Figure 3. The calendars and map placed on the same page to reduce complications, give users direct feedback, and increase consistency.
Heuristic Evaluation
Feedback from heuristic evaluations and TA meetings made us realize that we should give the user even more feedback and information scent. In response, we did the following:
- More interactive feedback on the map in response to changes on the calendars
- A chart to tell the user how many people are near him on each of the days he is traveling, as well as several days before and after his range.
More Map Feedback
After heuristic evaluations and feedback from our TA, we linked selection events on the calendar to more direct feedback on the map. After entering a location selecting a start and end date, the map immediately centered and zoomed-in on the user's destination. Then, people within a user-settable radius of the destination and within the user's given date range are displayed as clickable blue markers. Clicking on the blue markers displays a pop-up containing the name, email, and travel information of the person at that location. See Figure 4.1.
Chart to Display Other People During Similar Time Range
What if people have adjustable start and end dates to their trips? They might extend their trip by one day if they know that a certain friend is also traveling on that day. We decided to include a histogram of the number of people traveling for each day within the users's date range, as well as five day before the start date and five days after the end date. The chart is redrawn each time the user changes his date range. By mousing over the bars in the histogram, the user can see how many people are traveling on a certain date, as well as how many more/fewer people will be traveling on the extra five days at either end of his range. In the future, we want to make the bars clickable: a pop-up will display a list of people and their emails if the user clicks on a bar.
Figure 4.2. This is a date range with people who are near your destination. The people are clickable.
User Testing
Because user testing occurred after our final implementation, we could not incorporate their changes. Below are some proposed changes and solutions:
Other Design Decisions
Other design decisions include:
- Autocomplete on destination textbox
- Navigation bar on top
- Reset button
Autocomplete was included for the destination textbox to make the user's experience simple.
Figure 5. Autocomplete box for better user experience.
Navigation Bar
We included a navigation bar on the top for the user to easily navigate between the map page and the trips page.
Figure 6. Navigation bar for easily flipping between pages.
Reset Button
We included a reset button (which can be seen in Figure 5) in case the user messes up his trip planning and wants an immediate reset.
1.2 Alternatives
There were several alternatives that we considered:
- Line-graph data representation of travelers near the user and then two map pages
- TravelGroups
- Facebook integration
- Forum
Line Graph and Two Maps Representation
Initially during paper prototyping, we had a sequence of three pages: an initial map page to enter a destination, a calendar page to select a date range, and a data/summary page to display other people traveling to a close destination within a similar time range. Originally, we represented our data in the form of Figure 2.1. Several users had trouble deciphering this graph. In order to make our design more simplistic and consistent with the real world, we decided to change the data representation page to a map, seen in Figure 2.2. Finally we combined this map page with the first map page where users enter their destination information. This made the design more simplistic and reconciled inconsistency issues with the first and second map pages. The summary page's map was slightly different from the map on the first page because it had adjustable bars to change the date range and change the radius. For many users, they were confused by the two really similar but slightly different maps. They also could not see direct feedback as they were setting their traveling dates and destinations. Moreover, we decided to discard the adjustable bar for dates and instead allow users to adjust their date range directly on the calendar. The radius adjuster was kept.
Figure 7.2. The new interface allowed users to adjust the radius from their destination as well as the date range.
As discussed earlier in Design Decisions, we decided not to include TravelGroups. They were, however, originally an important part of our design. As can be seen in Figure 8, TravelGroups were essentially a collection of people traveling near the user during a similar date range. They can be saved on and then accessed on the trips page. We decided that this was unnecessary because users can easily change small trip details that may result in a slightly different travel group.
Figure 8. TravelGroups of people traveling near you during a similar date range. Deprecated.
2 Implementation
We decided to implement a web application based on HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, with a PHP backend.
2.1 High Level Discussion
2.2 Potential Problems
Several aspects of the interface design proved to be much more difficult than anticipated, and some of these struggles may have negatively affected the overall usability.
- Calendar: Our original intent was to use one single calendar for the sake of simplicity; however, this created the issue of determining whether a certain date was supposed to be the start date rather than the end date in addition to figuring out how to interpret a date change. As aforementioned, we settled on displaying two separate calendars rather than one – this resulted in greater ease of implementation but reduced simplicity. Additionally, we ran into some difficulties when highlighting/selecting the current date as the initial selection and this behavior could also cause problems for the user.
- Map: The map updates dynamically when the user selects either a start or end date in order to display the users traveling in the given date range; however, if the user has not entered a desired destination then all markers will disappear from the map, potentially causing confusion for the user.
- Graph: Like the map, the graph updates immediately when the user inputs a start and end date. However, the graph is only displayed when the user changes both the start and end date from its original (current date) selection. If the user is planning a one-day trip on the current date, he/she may not ever see the graph.
- Layout: We faced many difficulties when making design decisions regarding the layout of the application. On the home page, we decided to place the graph immediately below the input and map boxes; if the user is working on a relatively small screen, this requires him/her to scroll down in order to view the full graph. This could potentially cause decreased efficiency.
3 Evaluation
3.1 User Test Setup
Users were asked to sit down in front one of our laptops displaying our briefing page, located here. They were then told that they would be given three tasks and observed as they navigate through each of the three tasks. During each task, users were asked questions (included in 3.3 User Briefing and Tasks) to make sure that they were progressing through the tasks. If users became stuck, they were prompted. We made sure users knew that some of our data was dummy data. At the end, users were asked to say one thing they liked, and one thing they disliked or found confusing.
3.2 User Backgrounds
We found users by emailing out to our respective dorms. Those who responded participated in our user test. Because we did not get a response from an MIT faculty/staff member, we approached one in person and was able to elicit the person's participation. From our user tests, we identified three representative users:
Users were of the age range 18 to 50 and were of both genders. Our initial target population were students, faculty, and staff. In retrospect, anyone computer-literate can use TravelTech if he/she wants to plan a trip. We specifically identified students and faculty/staff because they would be traveling more often and be more likely to look for other people with similar travel plans.
3.3 User Briefing and Tasks
Users were briefed with a simple description of TravelTech's goals, located here. We felt that a demo was unnecessary because TravelTech is easily learnable and provides enough cues to the user. Then users were given the same tasks they received during paper prototyping. They were given the following tasks:
- Input a trip and save it
- View all trips and find a list of contacts
- Edit then delete a trip
Task 1: Input and Save a Trip
A student was read the following in stages: "You are planning a trip to Newton, Massachusetts from May 17, 2012 to June 12, 2012. Please this information. How many people will be within 200 km of you during the date range you just specified? What are their names? How many people are within 360 kilometers? Who is/are the new person/people given this new specification? If you changed your trip's end date to June 13, 2012, how many more people will be near you? Change your trip's start date to July 13, 2012 and end date to August 11, 2012. How many people are within 360 km of you? Finally, change your location to Indianapolis, Indiana, but keep the dates July 13 and August 12. Who is the only person within 200 km of you? Add your new trip."
Task 2: View Trips and Generate Contacts List
A student was read the following in stages: "Please tell me all the trips that you currently have. Click on the trip you just made and tell me how many people are near you. Get me this person's email."
Task 3: Edit and Delete a Trip
A student was read the following in stages: "You are no longer traveling to Indianapolis, Indiana. Instead, you want to go back to Newton, MA. Make this change in your trip. You decide you don't have enough money to make a trip at all. Delete it."
3.4 Usability Problems and Proposed Solutions
Task 1: Input and Save a Trip
Task 2: View Trips and Generate Contacts List
Task 3: Edit and Delete a Trip
4 Reflection
4.1 Lessons Learned
- UI design requires both detail-oriented and big-picture vision: Over the course of the semester, each of us came to learn that the UI design process is a delicate one. Every detail matters, but it is also important to establish a goal and direction early on in the design process – and also make sure to remain goal-oriented throughout.
- Usability testing is an involved process: Standardization is important and necessary in order to obtain valid and accurate responses from potential users. A key skill is knowing how to interact (and remain silent) with users during the testing process; there is a fine line between too little and too much when explaining the interface to the user. Additionally, it is important to test a variety of users, as some may be more experienced or knowledgable about a certain topic than others.
- Less is more: Throughout this process, we came to understand the importance of simplicity and minimalistic design. When an interface is crowded with several features, each of them loses significance – we decided to focus on a few important aspects that eventually created what we believe to be a successful product.
4.2 What Would We Do Differently? (Meta-Level)
- More testing: Though the amount of usability testing that we conducted was sufficient enough to provide us with valuable feedback, we feel that testing both the paper prototype and initial design on a wider variety of users would have given us more insight into our target user population.