- Recolor Confusion - Major - Users were a little confused that every time they clicked "Set Color" a new QR code appeared. As mentioned in the Implementation Section, we did this on purpose. To avoid this, we could made re-size and re-color happen on the QR images themselves rather than trying to create a new QR image each time the button was clicked. As a simpler, but not desired, solution we could have written a note to the user explaining that the codes would continually change but still work, so they should not worry that the images keep changing.
- Not Download Error - Major - Users felt that downloading the QR image was important enough that there should be a safety precaution in place to check if the user actually downloaded the image. When a user clicks done on the Design page, they should be prompted with a pop-up box asking if they downloaded the image. This solves itself and would help users not to miss the line of text telling them to grab the image.
- Redundant Color - Cosmetic - One user thought that after choosing a color, he needed to also click the "Set Color" button to confirm the color of the QR code. He found this slightly necessary and thus redundant. of course, this was not actually necessary, but he did not know that. We could solve this by letting the user know that the image displayed on the page is actually the QR image that they will download. This will help clarify that changing the color is a permanent action and no further actions are required to set the color.
- AM/PM Confusion - Major - The radio button on the phone is confusing because two of the users (possible attendees) were unsure of whether or not they were going to the event. They had trouble deciphering whether or not "Yes" was the currently selected option. We could fix this by simply providing a better radio button that makes it much more clear which option is being chosen.