In addition to rendering the boxes for each activity, the view also dynamically updates the activity boxes as they are moved and resized so that they show error messages, map labels and the current duration and times. A single activity can be selected, at which point, it greys out parts of the schedule in which the selected activity cannot be done between.
Andrew: maps
TODO: Andrew
- object array / uniqid
- invariant checking
- handler propegation
Scheduling algorithms (Controller)
TODO user test information (volunteers?)
- There is a fundamental problem in that in order to tell what a medium can do, we need to do a nontrivial amount of implementation with it that does not really belong in front part of a development cycle.
It seemed that the process of
We concentrated very heavily on constraints in the beginning, where that involved more complexity than users were prepared to deal with, so we simplified that interface. We did not get a chance to prototype the exploration and picking of activities, which was more of a problem with users. This would not really have been predictable.
That we spent a lot of time on an issue and the users didn't have problems with it may simply reflect that we succeeded in