Vendor: Ophir PD10-pJ
Specifications: Travel Range: 360 continuous
Minimum incremental motion linear: 0.001 degree
Uni-directional repeatability: 0.0005 degree
Maximum speak: 20 degress per second
Normal load: 100N
Detailed dimensions can be found here
Aperture: 10mm
Absorber Type: Si photodiode
Surface Reflectivity: ~30%
Energy Scales: 200pJ to 200nJ
Lowest Measreuable Energy: 0.01nJ @900nm
Max Pulse Width: 0.005ms
Max Pulse Rate pps: 10kHz
Noise: 0.02nJ
Damage Threshold: 0.1J/cm^2
Maximum Average Power Density: 0.5W/cm^2
Wavelength: 200-900nm
Price: ~$ 2,500000.00
Purchase Date: Fall, 2011
Location: Travelled with Bo for a while; will be placed in 36-228 together with controller.