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Run all production meetings (usually weekly, more frequently if necessary). Say NO to the director if a task is not feasible - if you are not sure, ask the TD/officers/designer. If you're still not sure, ask Rinaldi. If you're still not sure, say no. Check in at least weekly (not just at prod meeting) with design/building staff. Check in at least every other day with director and SM teams. Obtain entertainment licenses. Register the event with CAC, Cambridge, etc. Try to get and idea of what run crew (dressers, stagehands, etc.) will be needed as early as possible and start looking for them as soon as possible, as they are usually difficult to find.

Registering the Show

Obtain entertainment licenses from Cambridge city hall. Register the event with CAC. Remember, we only have 99 guests. On an unrelated note, shows with 100 or more people need a police detail. Remember that the entertainment license costs a large cum of money- make sure you have your $240 (or whatever sum) in cash or money order when you go to city hall. 

Prod Week

Assist as needed. Catch all the balls that are dropping. Help out the stage manager(s) in any way you can. At that point your job will be mostly over, but theirs is just beginning. Making their life easier makes everyone happier.
