The link given above links you directly to the home page of the prototype. From there, you can use the prototype's navigation buttons (add transaction, view transactions, settings) at the bottom to access and reach any portion of the site that you wish to visit. Remember, the prototype is canned, and there is currently no backend support, so please do not be surprised if you reach an unimplemented page. In terms of viewing the transactions between you and another user, you want to only look at the history between you and "Karen Doe" as her page is fully implemented.The Add Transaction fields have been pre-populated; please input $60 as your total bill and click Next.
The current application has kinks in its interaction with JQuery Mobile; some buttons that should produce a response do not correctly reflect what will be on the final implementation. While all scripts work using a normal browser in JQuery, the addition of the mobile browsers WITH JQuery Mobile have disabled those functions. We are currently working to integrate all features with JQuery Mobile.
Add Transaction
- Please input $60 as your total for the added transaction
- The include me field has been selected, the canned transaction expects it to be selected
(on toggling this checkbox, the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen should toggle between "Next" or "Submit", however JQuery Mobile kinks have disallowed this function on the prototype) - The search bar is not currently functioning; as again, kinks with JQuery Mobile have disallowed this function on the prototype
- Select Next button at bottom of the first transaction page:
- Radio toggle between Even Split and Custom should either clear or properly fill in the "split" portions for each person in the transaction, however (again) kinks in JQuery Mobile have disallowed this in the prototype.
Summary/History --> User Pages
To view your transaction history with another individual, please explore with Karen Doe to view/interact with canned prototype. All other user pages are unimplemented.