Dome Metadata Update
12 March 2012
- Genre/Type:
- We will use:
- dc.type (DCMI Vocabulary Only)
Wiki Markup dc.type.genre (use controlled vocabulary AAT, C&U, LSCH) \[used by Texas\]
- vra.worktype (use controlled vocabulary AAT)
- We will use:
Note: we acknowledge that worktype and genre are very similar elements. Vra.worktype is an important key element for the cataloging of visual resources in SCS.
- Index:
- Option 1: Index together
- Option 2: Index genre & worktype together, leave dc.type as a separately indexed field
- Option 3: all separate
- Legacy Project:
- Option 1: Re-map as necessary?
- Option 2: Only worry about going forward and index will take care of any search/browse issues?
- Rights: Currently using:
- dc.rights.access (use statement)
- dc.rights.copyright (copyright statement)
- dc.rights (use & copyright)
Note: we feel that (if we continue to use qualifiers) "use" is a more accurate qualifier than "access", but also acknowledge that it is probably not worth the effort needed to change over. We should define "access" very broadly.
Note: "use" is not an official dc qualifier. - may be another reason to stick with "access" or just rights.
DC definition of accessRights: Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status. Access Rights may include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies.
- Continue to use rights.access & rights.copyright (avoid using just rights)
- Use only rights (no qualifier) - can concatenate or use separate rights fields for various data
Note: data elements would still be separate in the management systems - but combined in the access/discovery system
- Switch rights.access to rights.use (more accurate & more work). Use rights.use & rights. Copyright (avoid using just rights)
- Other DC rights:
- rightsHolder: A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource. (to support the identification of rights holders, either default copyright holders or a person or organization that is leagally empowered to assign and transfer licenses to the relevant resource)
- License: A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource. (to support the identification of formal licenses associated with resources)
- Local Identifiers (other than the official unique identifier)
- Additional identifier fields may be needed for local use, such as call number, vendor code, etc. We will continue to use qualifiers. New qualifiers will need to be vetted by the metadata group before being used. The current list of acceptable qualifiers is:
- dc.identifier.vendorcode
- dc.identifier.callnumber
- No local metadata registry
- We had proposed creating a new registry for local needs. This was to include namesDisplay, datesDisplay, local identifier, local type and repository
- Based on our decisions to continue using dc for identifiers, types, and repository we will not create a registry for only the two display elements. However, we still believe that it is important to have both the name and date display fields in order to provide more information to our users
- What will we use:
- Option 1: & dc.contributor.display
- Option 2: dc.descrption.names & dc.description.dates
- Format:
- We will use:
- vra.material (for dc.format.medium &
- dc.format.???
- Index:
- Include vra.material and dc.format.none or .medium in same index
- Legacy Project:
- Option 1: use vra.material going forward (index could take care of search/display issues)
- We will use:
Note: this is a change from what we discussed yesterday. There is no dc.format.material. I think we talked ourselves in circles and combined dc.format.medium and vra.material. It would just be too easy for their to be a dc.format.material. (though we could create one if we really want to)
DC definition of Medium: The material or physical carrier of the resource.
Elements to be discussed at a future meeting:
- Repository/Custodianship :
- Other Institutions:
- OhioLink: dc.publisher.Olrepository (also use - not officially - dc.contributor.repository and
- Mountain West Digital Library: dcterms:publisher (Name of the entity that created or is providing access to the resource. Recommend clarifying the role this entity played in making the resource
available by adding a prefix such as Digitized by, Hosted by, or Published by. For example, Published by Utah State Historical Society; digitized by Merrill‐Cazier Library, Utah State University; hosted by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah.) - Rice: publisher (digital version published by…)
- Ohio Wesleyan University:
- North Carolina ECHO: dc.publisher (the institution that published the digital resource and/or the institution that is hosting the digital resource)
- DigitalGeorgetown: not used
- Wright State University: dc.contributor.repository and (ohiolink contributor)
- Xavier University: dc.contributor.institution (XU); (XU); (digital Space @ X)
- Ball State: dc.source
- Georgia Tech: dc.publisher
- CDL: Publisher
- Other Institutions:
- Dates:
- Need a way to use "undated"
- Will this work in date.created?
- Should we be using date.issued and just date.none (instead of created?)
- Can we concatenate coverage.spatial into the date.display field
- A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource. (Georgia Tech)
- Rice: date.original - Date taken from source document. Text field that can contain a note to clarify dates - approximately, circa, etc.
- Source
- Citation
- Do we want to require a specific form of citation? Or leave citation format up to the collection administrators (MSM leaning toward the later)
- Consider putting a citation format on the collection page instead of at the item level?
- have a page with our preferred citations – and a link from the item to that page?
3 January 2012
- Access Rights
- Mods?
- Marc - is one copyright and one access?
- Citation-
- Do we want to require a specific form of citation? Or leave citation format up to the collection administrators (MSM leaning toward the later)
- Consider putting a citation format on the collection page instead of at the item level?
- or have a page with our preferred citations – and a link from the item to that page?
- Creator -
- Ohio Link - dc.creator is not used due to current dspace system specific limitations
- Dates -
- Do we want to use a date.digitized? YES
- Extent
- BP - May refer to the physical or digital manifestation of the resource
- BP- all extents should be put into one field?
- Format-
- Should we have a dc.format and a vra.?
- No longer use dc.format.medium will now use vra.material
- Probably no dc.format from RVC - will use vra.technique
- Identifier -
- dc.identifier.none
- Language -
- Do we require a language code?
- Local/Specific Type (VRA worktype?)
- What to do?
- Publisher -
15 November 2011
Carl, Jolene, Mikki (preparing for Dome upgrade to DSpace 1.8)
- Standardize use of metadata in Dome (in process of drafting an application profile|confluence/display/LIBMETADATA/DOMEMDRULES|||||\)
- Create new metadata registries (if necessary to meet the needs of specific collections, formats and genres)
- All new schema must meet specific criteria and be approved by MOT prior to being added to the registry
- Require all new items ingested into Dome meet these new standards
- Remapped existing Dome records to comply with the new standards