- Several users took more time on the filtering task than they did on the other tasks, partly because the task itself is more complex.
- Most users took longer than we expected to find the "Filter" tab. The filtering interface went through the most changes in the iteration step. In the initial design, users accessed the filtering interface by switching tabs at the top, but most users had trouble finding the tab in the first place. When we replaced it with a button, users learned the interface much more quickly.
- Our "Advanced Filter" options button looked more like a header than a button. Some users didn't immediately understand what the advanced filter options referred to. On paper the "Advanced Filter" text surrounded by what were supposed to be disclosure arrows looked more like a header than a button. Since our task required using an advanced filtering option, users were slow to complete it. One user who couldn't find the "has a hyperlink" advanced option added "http" as a keyword search instead, which was creative and may have been as effective.
- Some users wanted to preview the results of their filter, showing filter options alongside the items in the reading interface.
- Initially, users were unsure how to apply or save their filter. After we made the buttons more prominent in the updated prototype, users figured it out quickly.