Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The next picture shows a user working on Task #5 (marking an assignment as completed, using the mobile app). 

Fig. 2. User working on task 5 (mobile version).

Both pictures are from the second iteration of our prototype.


Our application is a collaborative to-do manager, specifically tailored for efficiently keeping track of school assignments. TAs, instructors and classmates can add assignments to a shared class feed. Assignments from trusted sources are added automatically to the tasks list; assignments added by classmates can be optionally added to the student's schedule. Personal (private) classes and assignments are also supported.



User 3

User 4

User 5

Task 1

-found add button quickly
-search results will need to be quick
-got "create a new" quickly
-got cal metaphor on new page
-clicked plus button to add assignment
-much less confusion than the add as you type version

-got right button instantly
-removing or seems to work better
-pausing before entering any information
-got correct filed values
-pause on cal
-really needs dates on it
-hit plus button correctly, less confusion than the add as you go version

-searching for add button
-tried hitting the plus button when there were no classes yet
-isn't seeing the search / add new class on the right-hand side
-now sees the add new classes button
-maybe highlight the add new classes in this case
-types, hit enter
-pausing before hitting create new feed
-should get rid of that extra click
-added as public
-filled out 6.813 as the date of the assignment
-confusion at lack of dates
-trying to add all of the assignments on one calendar
-isn't seeing the plus button
-keeps typing in name of the class for name of the assignment
-now goes back and gets the name of the class vs name of the assignment
-happened when the second calendar appeared
-saved properly

Task 2

-hit search button instead of add button
-used it as normal
-slight hesitation before selecting 6.005 - maybe the title should be larger

-went to add a new class to find the new feed
-filled in
-pausing at the search results, takes a moment to select the right field

-isn't really sure how to find an existing feed
-leaning in on search
-clicks on search
-types name in properly
-pause before clicking on right cal
-got it after ~3 seconds

Task 3

-clicked on the assignment right away
-read, clicked on yes

-selected task appropriately
-hit yes, "awesome"
-little hesitation throughout this task

-clicks on the assignment
-pop up, hesitated longer than usual
-we should have an undo button on the completion popup

Task 4

-hesitated, then selected the plus button to add a new assignment
-tried to scroll through class selection widget
-marked private correctly

-clicked on the plus button next to the name of the class instead of the plus buttons on the date
-little hesitation in filling out the form
-cal with dates works much better

-pause on figuring out how to add the assignment
-clicks on the name of the assignment instead of the plus button next to it
-now gets what name signifies (i.e. name of the assignment not name of the class)
-cal interface also making sense now

Task 5

-selected the assignment
-got the alert box interaction again

-little slow, color would be useful
-alert box went quickly
-liked the quick confirm popup

-pausing before hitting anything
-clicks on assignment, clicks yes


-asked if old assignments will be removed or crossed out
-got the search / add new classes duality
-what happens with multiple people's feeds for the same class

-plus button on the date instead of the class
-likes the consistency
-asked about finding by course number instead of number
-self explanatory
-can add it to google cal?
-downloadable version

-confusion between search and add a class
-didn't really get that both would work
-didn't know what the plus sign next to days / classes would do

Prototype Iteration

Based on our observations from Iteration 1, we identified several opportunities for improvement.

On the main overview page, we noticed that users were having a bit of trouble figuring out how to add new assignments. They generally got it, but it was through a guess and very non-obvious. We decided to include plus buttons on every element that can be selected to add an assignment (next to the class list and on every date square). After this change, users were less confused and completed task 3 more quickly.

On the class creation screen, users were confused by the "New assignment" boxes that appeared as they typed (AJAX). It's probably distracting to have elements appear just as the user begins to type. In the second iteration, we added a large "Plus" button at the bottom that would cause new assignment boxes to appear. Users were much more familiar with this and had no issues understanding its use.

Different classes often label things identically (i.e. PS1 was on the calendar twice). While the two assignments are different colors, it takes users a moment to find the assignment, check that it's the right one, and then go back an delete it. This is a slowdown, and may cause errors in prolonged use. We decided to add the a short class name (i.e.. "6.813 - PS1"), and users appeared to take less time on this task.
