- Users didn't know to "drag-and-drop". Many thought that the note selection was moded.
- There was no option for a dot on a note.
- "Speak" when recording audio was not a clear word. Many users tried to say "cee" instead of singing it.
- First user did not edit the name of the composition
- "Save" was not clear (and was hidden for non-Android users).
- Rests were not available
- It was not possible to save from playback mode
- Arrows on
We have also included a public document that lists the raw observations and iterative design changes that we made as we went through each user test.
Prototype Iterations
Changes that occurred in design:
- Keyboard shows up in "settings" screen
- "Exp" was replaced by a slur
- Placed pop-ups describing what the user was able to do.
- Determined that meter bars would be placed automatically by the application
- Rest / Note mode was added
- Save button was added to playback mode, and feedback is given on a successful save. Also, a prompt occurs when the user tries to close without saving.