Prototype Iteration
Changes between iterations 1 and 2our first and second prototype iterations:
1) Added more instruction to our mobile application for first time users. When a user signs on or registers for an account on the mobile app, the application checks whether the user has an 'empty' closet (has never added clothes to the site before). If this is the case, the application displays a simple and straightforward instruction page basically telling the user to take photos with their phone to upload to the site. This choice was made because all three of our first clients were confused when brought directly to the camera after registering, and did not know what to do when they got to that screen.
4) Replaced voting up/down arrows with +/- icons. We made most of our add and search icons more consistent throughout. One last change we plan to make in this regard will be, as User 6 noted, to replace the mobile 'search' icon with an 'add' icon.
5) * Updated how posts are organized on the homepage. *We We added the ability for users to sort by 'recent' and 'popular', rather than just 'recent'.