Changes between iterations 1 and 2:
1) *Added more instruction to our mobile application for first time users. *When When a user signs on or registers for an account on the mobile app, the application checks whether the user has an 'empty' closet (has never added clothes to the site before). If this is the case, the application displays a simple and straightforward instruction page basically telling the user to take photos with their phone to upload to the site. This choice was made because all three of our first clients were confused when brought directly to the camera after registering, and did not know what to do when they got to that screen.
2) *Removed the ability for users to add items of clothing to their request advice page. *All All three clients completely ignored this feature, and client 2 even preferred to write a text description of the sort of clothes he would wear, choosing not to point to items from his wardrobe specifically. Furthermore, Users were consistently confused by the difference between viewing their own wardrobe and viewing someone else's, and when posting questions never wanted to add their own clothing to the post. Removing this feature both simplified the advice request process, and mitigated confusion for users while focusing our use case scenario on outfit creation.