We have two big user classes for our application, parents and children. We tested each user in both roles. On Day 1 we had them all be parents first, and on Day 2, children first. These were the tasks we used on Day 2; on Day 1 they were a little less comprehensive and less clear.
Parent Tasks
You are a parent, and your name is Marge.
Task 1: You expect Lisa to be home now, but she isn’t here. Please ask Lisa to check in now.
Task 2: You want to know where Lisa was when she last checked in. Please view the details of Lisa’s latest CheckIn and tell us where she was last.
Task 3: You know Bart is out at a party. Please ask him to check in later today at 10pm and ask him which friends he is with, so you’ll know he’s ok before you go to bed.
Task 4: Lisa just joined a soccer team, and so she’ll be getting in late many days because of practice. Please schedule a CheckIn every Tuesday at 6pm for Lisa.