Second iteration user testing
User Test #4
Task 1
- Difficulties
- After making a mistake, thought clicking again without changing the mode would undo the mistake
- Had trouble differentiating between evening and night (did not see the legend)
- Gave up and submitted request before technically finishing the task
- Was expecting a way to select all for a given shift on a given day of week
- Successes
- Expected the mouse cursor to change when it actually did
- Had no trouble using the eraser once he found it
- Knew to use scroll bar to move from month to month, even though was expecting to have left/right arrows next to month to move to previous/next month
Task 2
- Successes
- Was clear that eraser must be used for this task
Task 3
- Successes
- Did the correct actions on the first try
- Changed back to regular mouse cursor before submitting (seems to make user more comfortable even though it’s not necessary)
Task 4
- Successes
- Went for the radio buttons right away
Task 5
- Successes
- A and E were clear, like in the first iteration
User Test #5
Task 1
- Difficulties
- Successes
Task 2
- Difficulties
- Successes
Task 3
- Difficulties
- Successes
Task 4
- Difficulties
- Successes
Task 5
- Difficulties
- Successes
User Test #6
Task 1
- Difficulties
- Successes
Task 2
- Difficulties
- Successes
Task 3
- Difficulties
- Successes
Task 4
- Difficulties
- Successes
Task 5
- Difficulties
- Successes
Second iteration summary
Overall difficulties
- They had trouble figuring out how to move from month to month. It’s possible that it’s a paper prototype issue, but two of the users explicitly expected to have left/right arrows to click on to move from month to month.
- Two of the three users had trouble differentiating between evening and night shifts; they did not see the legend that mapped the names of the shifts to the icons.
- They all wanted a way to select all for a given shift on a given day of the week.
- They wished the messages at the top of the interface indicating that Submit must be pressed (and also the admins’ radio buttons for approving changes) were more prominent.** May also be a paper prototype problem
- They were unclear as to whether or not the calendar changed dynamically as they selected the accept/reject radio buttons in Task 4.