 Main Screen This is the first screen the user sees.
|  Main Menu With nothing open, this is the menu.
|  Menu Filtering Clicking the search button, opens up a filtering sidebar.
|  Item Description Clicking on an Item open a pop-up menu with data on it.
 Compare Menu After checking off items to compare, the user can view its data and choose something to eat.
|  Adding Item to Order The user adds an item by selecting their preferences and pressing add. |  Your Order The user can view their current selections and send the order in if satisfied. |  Games The games page where the user can select a game to play. |
 Games (Scrabble) When playing a game, a user can go back to the main menu by clicking back. |  Help The user can get help by pressing help button on the bottom. |  Payment Screen The payment screens contains the list of items, tip calculator, and payment method. |  Payment Screen (Cash) The cash option of the payment screen. |
 Payment Screen (Credit) The credit option of the payment screen with a quick tutorial on how to use. |  Thank You Screen The thank you screen after the user has paid. | | |
This is the briefing statement we gave to our testers:
Panel |
Hello and thank you for help us with our project, OpenMenu! This is _______, ________, and _ _________. Picture this: You are going out to a restaurant on a Friday night with a couple friends. When you are seated, you notice that instead of menus, your waiter has grabbed tablets instead. Your waiter informs you that the restaurant is trying out a new electronic ordering system. The purpose of this new ordering system is to make ordering and waiting at restaurants faster and more efficient and to entertain customers while waiting for their orders to arrive. To help us test the system, we're going to ask you to do some scenario tasks. |