- Changed “Discipline” to “Select Discipline” text left sidebar to make sure that the user knows they need to select
- Added modes (crossed out A and crossed out E buttons) to allow the admin to remove Absent/Excused markings.
- Changed “Clear” to “Remove Shift” to make it more obvious that it doesn’t clear the entire schedule
- Changed “Submit” to “Submit Request” on the instructor’s view so that the instructor knows that the schedule must be approved before changes are recorded
- Add text “You must hit ‘Submit’ to save changes” at the top of the admin view so that they know that changes aren’t saved until they submit.
- Add text “You must hit ‘Submit Request’ to save changes” at the top of the instructor view so that they know that changes aren’t saved until they submit.
- Newly added text (in changes 5 and 6) and list of pending changes do not scroll so that user can see this information at all times
- Approval Changed approval for pending changes is to be done with radio buttons with two options (accept or reject) for each pending change, instead of normal buttons, to indicate that nothing is submitted until the admin clicks the “Submit” button. The schedule still updates dynamically as the admin selects the radio buttons.
- We chose not to add the functionality of selecting all for a given day of the week because we wanted to prioritize safety (i.e. not accidentally selecting all days) over the added efficiency because our user population is not very familiar with computers. In addition, the only time a user is likely to select all of a given day of the week is when submitting their initial schedule, and this task is only performed once a year.