Prototype photos
Prototype iteration Round 1
This is the original menu for Prototype Round 1. Most people despite given the arrow, were confused as to what to do with it. They tried clicking on the items in the menu, rather than moving the wheel/Lazy Susan affordance.
Prototype iteration Round 2 (this has a more detailed round of pictures)
The main loading page for both iterations which appears when people open up The rotating circle appears until all the restaurants nearby are loaded.
The page loads all the restaurants nearby, the type of food they offer underneath, and the distance they are from the user. The user can click Flour Cafe to open up the relevant menu as described in Task 1.
First round
The main menu shows the current selection of items on the top, and the current selection of Drinks (with a summary attached).
Some scrolling on the top brings the user to Sandwiches, which he/she can click on to perform Task 2.
The unfiltered submenu shows the list of sandwiches available with the selection currently chicken, and showing the details of chicken (not included for the paper prototype).
Applying both the filters such as done in Task 3 allows users to see a limited set of options. Filters can be applied by clicking the tag, and reversed by clicking the X next to the tag, which produces a different set of options.
Second round
Welcome to! We are innovating in the domain of Restaurants, specifically menus, trying to expand on the lack of interactivity and dynamic content. We’ll be taking you through one use scenario of our app’s basic functionality. Remember that this test isn’t testing you, the user, but rather the interface and its usability. Feel free to think out loud so we know how you feel about each element of the interface. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and give us higher-level feedback when we’re done. Thanks!