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Project Name: whadaap

Group Members:

Viksit Arora
Ishaan Chugh
Keshav Puranmalka

Problem Statement:

MIT has for the last many years been the top choice for companies to recruit fresh talent from. It has become a norm for these companies to come and give a presentation here highlighting the different facets and opportunities of the company. They conduct what is called info-sessions. To incentivize students to come, most of these info-sessions have free food and raffle prizes. This presents a great opportunity to build a platform that categorizes the food by cuisine, date and location and make it available to the MIT students so my.pdfthat they can find places to eat free-food at.

MIT is also home for a number of cultural events that take place throughout the year. This ranges from concerts, dramas, film screenings and magic shows. We could easily extend the platform that is used to solve the free food problem to enable listings for these events. We would again want to categorize by event genre, location and cost of the entry ticket.

GR1 Analysis

GR2 Designs