- Added a "Create" button - would be replaced with the text "Created" once clicked
- Initially grayed out "Close Join Period" button until tournament was created
- Gave the Tournaments panel on homepage more real estate
| - Added the two panel search results - top panel for your tournaments, bottom panel for all tournaments
- Clicking the tournament from search results would bring user to tournament info page instead of immediately prompting the user to join the tournament
- Clicking on join from tournament info page would pop up the password prompt
| - Changed the order of the "winner" radio buttons and "score" text boxes
- Added "optional" next to the score column
- Added "Reject" button onto the notification
- Removed ability to close the notification without accepting or rejecting the request
| - Added checkboxes to the names
- Color coded the names
- Animate side bar to show when page loads. Disappears immediately after
| | - Gave the Tournaments panel on homepage more real estate
- Took out messages and tournament icons on the header bar
- removed search bar for notifications
- Removed send message capability
- Can't close notifications without taking prompted actions (e.g., "Ok", "Approve", "Reject")