Round 1 Observations
User 1
Observations during trial
- Initially hit "manual" instead of "QR" when adding contact
- Got
User 2
User 3
- new mail when on contact screen, initially clicked their only contact to try to read the message. When the option menu popped up, they realized this was wrong and clicked the inbox icon.
- Clicked directly on the lock icon when adding Rob to contacts (this is correct, but the whole name was acceptable)
- Quickly clicked straight to contact list hen told to remove contact (correct)
User comments
- Was not clear how to remove all messages for a user initially
- Looked for some remove-all command before trying to delete the contact
- Found the remove-all button on attempting to delete
- Concerned about how to delete all messages after removing a contact (We didn't think of this yet--so something to keep in mind)
- Described it as "Overall very straightforward"
- Multiple/single person chat icons were fairly clear
- Wants to know how they would revert to single chat with a person when in multi-chat, having both run in parallel.
User 2
Observations during trial
- X
User comments
- Y
User 3
Observations during trial
- X
User comments
- Y