- Compare today's power usage to the monthly average.
- Find the device that has consumed the most power today, and change its settings. (Added for second round) Describe : Describe how the power consumption of the washing machine has changed this device has varied over the course of todaythis year.)
- Find out how much power is currently stored. Arrange to sell 5 kW of the stored power back to the utility company at 8pm today.
- Because we had made up our data, numerical values were not necessarily consistent between different graphs. Several users expressed confusion about this inconsistency. In response, we modified our data to ensure that it was realistic and consistent between graphs, allowing users to make accurate comparisons between views.
- We allowed users to view exact numeric y-values after touching an x-value in the graph, as suggested by user 2.
- Many users expected to be able to schedule a transaction from the "storage" view. We made this possible by adding a "sell power" button for each device in the "storage" view, comparable to the "edit settings" button for each device in the "usage" view. Clicking this button switches the user to the "grid" view and launches a new power transaction from the selected device, essentially acting as a shortcut for the "schedule transaction" button.
- We changed the wording of the "daily averages" heading to include the date from which the data was taken, hoping to address the ambiguity noted by user 3.
- We noted that no users interacted with the checkboxes that change which devices are displayed in the graph. To test the visibility and usability of these checkboxes, we created an additional task subtask for users to perform, as noted above.