Observations on First Iteration
User | Create a Tournament | Search for/Join a Tournament | Update a Tournament | Manage a Tournament | View a Tournament | Overall Comments |
User 1 | Assumed that if the join period was left blank that it would close immediately and only invited people would be a part of the tournament. - Assumed that if the join period was left blank that it would close immediately and only invited people would be a part of the tournament.
- Wanted some sort of confirmation that they had completed creating a tournament
| - There was no “JOIN“ button on the tournament info. page, which led to confusion about how to join a tournament.
- Did not think that the separation between your tournaments and global tournaments was necessary for the search results. Suggested just have all results on one page.
| - User was confused about where they should click to update score, on tournament image/where in the round robin image vs. on the expanding sidebar.
- Tried to click on the names visible in the tournament image.
- Felt that it seemed odd to have both a score and winner/loser option.
| - User was confused about where they needed to go to manage tournament details (i.e. boot a player, make a player an admin)
- Was not sure if the player names were clickable.
- Wanted feedback as to whether or not their action was completed. (i.e. if player was actually booted or made an admin)
| | - User felt that the bi-panel homepage setup was not needed. However, also mentioned that this could be due to the tasks given, since most of them did not require interaction with the notifications half of the homepage.
User 2 |
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User 3 | | | | | | |
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