- *Prototype photos.*Digital photos of the pieces of your prototype. Show the prototype in interesting states; don't just show a blank window. Although you will iterate your paper prototype during this assignment, the photos only need to show one iteration.
- Briefing.
- You have just heard about the site and want to start using it yourself! Register an account and upload your wardrobe to the website, exclusively using your mobile device.
- You have a date tonight but don't know what to wear! Request advice for an outfit and after waiting for "20 minutes" review peoples' responses to your question, up/down voting those that you like and don't like.
- Your friend Felicity has a job interview tomorrow, and doesn't know what to wear! Luckily she's a friend of yours on myClos.et. Go onto the site, find her question, and post an outfit for her to wear.
- Observations.*Usability problems you discovered from the testing. Describe what users did, but *don't record users' names.
- Prototype iteration.
{"serverDuration": 92, "requestCorrelationId": "3f8066f7929b52f3"}