Versions Compared


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It receives the electricity price data from the grid, and presents it to the users. It monitors the statuses of the devices that generate electricity, and allows user to sell power back to the grid.

Scenario Tasks

  1. Compare today's power usage to the monthly average.
  2. Find the device that has consumed the most power today, and change its settings.
  3. (Added for second round) Describe how the power consumption of the washing machine has changed over the course of today.
  4. Find out how much power is currently stored. Arrange to sell 5 kW of the stored power back to the utility company at 8pm today.


Round 1

User 1

  • During task 1, the user noted that our y-axes were not consistent between daily and monthly graphs, and thus it was hard to make the comparison we requested between the two graphs.
  • The user was able to perform task 2 quickly, and immediately chose the "device list" view to see a list of the devices sorted by consumption.
  • When asked to sell power during task 3, the user tried to touch a device from the "storage" view in order to schedule a transaction. The user did not immediately think to look in the "grid" view to schedule a transaction (even trying the "settings" view first).
  • The user mentioned that he did not know what to expect to see under the "grid" view, likely because he lacked a conceptual model of the smart grid and what it was for.

User 2

  • When attempting to perform task 1, the user noted that he had difficulty reading exact y-values off of the monthly graph, so making a comparison using just that graph was difficult. He felt forced to switch between the monthly and daily tabs in order to complete the task. He would have preferred that when the graph's x-axis was touched, it would display the exact corresponding y-value. This wold have allowed him to gather all the necessary data from the monthly graph.
  • After changing and saving the settings of a device in task 2, the user mentioned that he was unsure about the results of his actions, because there was no immediately visible state change in either the graph or table data.
  • Like user 1, user 2 was confused by an inconsistency in the axes of our graphs. He assumed he was misunderstanding the data due to a conceptual mistake (though he was not). This observation seems to indicate user 2's lack of confidence in his understanding of the smart grid and the data it generates.
  • Unlike user 1, user 2 immediately looked in the "grid" view in order to schedule a transaction.
  • The user expressed a general dislike for the way that the tabbed view obscures some data. He was unhappy that data in one view would be hidden when in another view.

User 3

  • The user expressed uncertainty about the "daily averages" heading in the "usage" view. He was unsure whether the values in the table were the averages for the current day, or the averages from each day across the current month.
  • Like user 1, user 3 immediately chose the "device list" view when looking for the device that consumed the most power.
  • Also like user 1, user 3 expected to be able to schedule a power transaction from the "storage" view. When he found this was not possible, however, he quickly tried the "grid" view and completed the task.

Prototype Iteration
